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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Database Security - Threats and Countermeasures

Database Security - Threats and Countermeasures

Database security begins with physical security for the computer systems that host the DBMS. No DBMS is safe from intrusion, corruption, or destruction by people who have physical access to the computers. After physical security has been established, database administrators must protect the data from unauthorized user and from unauthorized access by authorized users.There are three main objects when designing a secure database application, and anything prevents from a DBMS to achieve these goals would be consider a threat to Database Security.


Database integrity refers to the requirement that information be protected from improper modification. Modification of data includes creation, insertion, modification, changing the status of data, and deletion.Integrity is lost if unauthorized changes are made to the data by either intentional or accidental acts.

To prevent the loss of integrity from happening-->Only authorized users should be allowed to modify data.
e.g. Students may be allowed to see their grades, yet not allowed to modify it.


Authorized user or program should not be denied access. For example, an instructor who wishes to change a grade should be allowed to do so.


Information should not be disclosed to unauthorized users. For example, a student should not be allowed to examine other students¡¦ grades.

To achieve these objectives, a clear and consistent security policy should be developed to describe what security measures must be enforced. In particular, we must determine what part of the data is to be protected and which users get access to which portions of the data. Next, the security mechanisms of the underlying DBMS and operating system, as well as external mechanisms, such as securing access to buildings, must be utilized to enforce the policy. We emphasize that security measures must be taken at several levels.

Why is database security important?

If the loss of system or data integrity is not corrected, continued use of the contaminated system or corrupted data could result in inaccuracy, fraud, or erroneous decisions. In addition, unauthorized, unanticipated, or unintentional disclosure could result in loss of public confidence, embarrassment, or legal action against the organization.

Countermeasures to database security threats

Inference control -->The corresponding countermeasure to statistical database security.

Statistical database is a database which contains specific information on individuals or events but is intended to permit only statistical queries. (e.g. averages, sums, counts, maximums, minimums and standard deviations. However, it is possible to obtain confidential data on individuals by using only statistical queries. Inference control technique are used to prevent this from happening. (e.g. we can prohibit sequences of queries that refer repeatedly to the same population of tuples.

(2) Flow Control

"Flow control regulates the distribution or flow of information among accessible objects. A flow between object X and object Y occurs when a program reads values from X and writes values into Y. Flow controls check that information contained in some objects does not flow explicitly or implicitly into less protected objects. Thus, S user cannot get indirectly in Y what he or she cannot get directly from X." Elmasri,Navathe(P747)

(3) Encryption

"The idea behind encryption is to apply an encryption algorithm to the data, using a user-specified or DBA-specified encryption key. The output of the algorithm is the encrypted version of the data. There is also a decryption algorithm, which takes the encrypted data and a decryption key as input and then returns the original data." Elmasri,Navathe(P709)

(4) Access Control

A database for an enterprise contains a great deal of information and usually has several groups of users. Most users need to access only a small part of the database to carry out their tasks. Allowing users unrestricted access to all the data can be undesirable, and a DBMS should provide mechanisms to control access to data. The main idea behind access control is to protect unauthorized persons from accessing the system.

How it works?

1:Discretionary Access Control

Discretionary access control is based on the idea of access rights, or privileges, and mechanisms for giving users such privileges. A privilege allows a user to access some data object in a certain manner (e.g. to read or modify). A user who creates data object such as a table or a view automatically gets all applicable privileges on that object and the user can also propagate privileges using "Grant Option". The DBMS subsequently keeps track of how these privileges are granted to other users, and possibly revoked, and ensures that at all times only users with the necessary privileges can access an object.

SQL Syntax

SQL supports discretionary access control through the GRANT and REVOKE commands.

The GRANT command gives users privileges to base tables and views.

The REVOKE command cancels uses' privileges.

For example: GRANT privilege1, privilege2, ... ROVOKE privilege1, privilege2, ...
ON object_name ON object_name
TO user1, user2, ... ; FROM user1, user2, ... ;

ON student ON student
TO db2_14 FROM db2_14

Example from Textbook (R.Elmasri, S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ed.4, Addison-Wesley, 2003.Chapter 23)

Suppose that A1 creates the two base relations EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT


A1 is then the owner of these two relations and hence has all the relation privileges on each of them. A1 wants to grant to account A2 the privilege to insert and delete tuples in both of these relations


A2 cannot grant INSERT and DELETE privileges on the EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables, because A2 was not given the GRANT OPTION in the preceding command.


The clause WITH GRANT OPTION means that A3 can now propagate the privilege to other accounts by using GRANT. For example, A3 can grant the SELECT privilege on the EMPLOYEE relation to A4 by issuing the following command:


Now suppose that A1 decides to revoke the SELECT privilege on the EMPLOYEE relation from A3; A1 then can issue this command:


The DBMS must now automatically revoke the SELECT privilege on EMPLOYEE from A4, too, because A3 granted that privileges to A4 and A3 does not have the privilege any more.

MySQL grant revoke syntax

Limits on propagation of privileges

The techniques to limit the propagation of privileges have been developed, but they have not been implemented in most DBMSs and are not a part of SQL.

Horizontal propagation limits:
An account B given the GRANT OPTION can grant the privilege to at most i other accounts.

Vertical Propagation limits:
It limits the depth to which an account can pass on the privilege in terms of levels.

Pros and Cons of discretionary access control


Being flexible and suitable for various types of systems and application like commercial and industrial environtments.


Not providing real assurance on the satisfaction of the protection requirements.
Not imposing any restriction on the usage of information once it is obtained by a user and makes system vulnerable to attacks.

2:Mandatory Access control

Mandatory access control are aimed at addressing such loopholes in discretionary access control. The popular model for mandatory access control called the Bell-LaPadula model, is described in terms of objects, subjects, security classes, and clearances. Each database object is assigned a security class, and each subject is assigned clearance for a security class.

The Bell-LaPadula model imposes two restrictions on all reads and writes of database objects:

1: Simple Security Property: Subject S is allowed to read object O only if class(S)≥ class(O). For example, a user with TS (top
secret) clearance can read a table with C (confidential) clearance, but a user with C(Confidential) clearance is not allowed to
read a table with TS (top secret) classification.

2. *-Property: Subject S is allowed to write object O only if class(S)≤ class(O). For example, a user with S (secret) clearance can
write only objects with S (secret) or TS (top secret) classification.

If discretionary access controls are also specified, these rules represent additional restrictions. Therefore, to read or write a database object, a user must have the necessary privileges and the security classes of the user and the object must satisfy the preceding restrictions.

Advantages: Mandatory policies ensure a high degree of protection.-->suitable for military types of applications, which require a
high degree of protection.

Disadvantages: Applicable to very few environment for being too rigid.

Current State and Future-->Role-Based Access Control

Role-Based Access Control emerged rapidly in the 1990s and it's adopted by most DBMS since then. Its basic concept is that privileges are associated with roles, and users are assigned to appropriate roles. Roles can then be granted to users and other roles. (Roles can be created and destroyed using the CREATE ROLE and DROP ROLE commands.) RBAC appears to be a viable alternative to traditional discretionary and mandatory access controls; it ensures that only authorized users given access to certain data or resources.
Advantages of RBAC

A properly-administered RBAC system enables users to carry out a broad range of authorized operations, and provides great flexibility and breadth of application. System administrators can control access at a level of abstraction that is natural to the way that enterprises typically conduct business. This is achieved by statically and dynamically regulating users' actions through the establishment and definition of roles, role hierarchies, relationships, and constraints. Thus, once an RBAC framework is established for an organization, the principal administrative actions are the granting and revoking of users into and out of roles. Role associations can be established when new operations are instituted, and old operations can be deleted as organizational functions change and evolve. This simplifies the administration and management of privileges; roles can be updated without updating the privileges for every user on an individual basis. With these outstanding features and the easier deployment over the Internet, Role-Based Access Control undoubtedly will continue to be dominant in the future.

With the extensive use of database systems nowadays, everyone could become a victim of database crime, and a single database crime event might even result in a serious consequence on individual or public affairs. Because of that, database developers are always trying to create new technique to prevent unauthorized, unanticipated or unintentional disclosure of data from happening. No matter how good a security measure or technique is, database administrators always play a very important role in database securities issues. In addition to user account management, database administrator also contributes to developing security policy and enforcing the security-related aspects of a database design. But at the same time, advanced algorithms and technologies used to increase database security also raise challenges to both database developers and administrators. While databases with inference control, access control, encryption, etc. have become more and more complicated for developers, we can see that DBAs will need more knowledge to become qualified in the future.

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